Tuesday, October 25, 2011

11 for 2011

What do you have in your pocket?
I don't have anything in my pocket, sorry! =D

What was the last thing you had to drink?
The last thing I drank was an Actimel at lunchtime, YUM!

What makes you happy?
It makes me happy to see my family and friends every morning as soon as I wake up or at school! =D

What was the last really nice thing you did for someone?
The last really nice thing I did for someone was if it is asking something that I did that someone else appreciated then it would be making Elena, my sister, an e-mail. (Which I am startiing to regret now!)

What scares you?
Some of the things that scare me are the zombies from the movie "Zombie Land", watching on YouTube "Micheal Jackson Ghost Caught on Tape". (I am NEVER seeing that AGAIN! NEVER!) Some other things that scare me are really loud and sudden noises such as a book that falls to the floor, though it doesn't mave me scream, but it makes me do a little jump. There are a few other things that scare me, though I wont name them  just in case the wrong person is reading this! =P

What was the last movie you saw?
I didn't see a movie latley, though I think it was the "Wizard of Oz" a few nights ago, otherwise I saw a few videos on YouTube such as "Thriller" by Michael Jackson and "Party Rock Anthem"

What was the last song you sang?
The last song I sang was the theme song of an italian TV show called "Chiamatemi Gio".

What was the last thing you bought?
The last thing I bought was a plastic sparkly pink decoration for my room. (Which costed only
What couldn’t you live without?
I obviously can't live without my family and friends, but if this question is asking about "Prized Possetions" than that would be my laptop, my own room (this became a very special thing since my anoying little sister moved to another room!), I also can't live without sleepovers with friends (they are so fun!).
What do you hope for? 
I hope I find my "long lost" mobile which is probably hiding from me somewhere at home, I also can't wait since my mom said I can "MAYBE"  get a BUNNY! And we will get a German Shepherd in South Africa! CAN'T WAIT! I also hope that my dad is ok in South Africa and that he is having fun there!

What could you live without?
It is so far about 1 month that I can't find my mobile so I guess that at the moment I like to have it with me, but if there is something that I had to pick to live without it would be my mobile. I will probably need it more as I get older, I don't need it that much now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Name

My Name
            Hi! I am Carolina Teresa Maria Nacouzi. “Carolina” is a name that you can find in Italy and a few other countries. It is not a very common name; other a-likes are more popular such as Caroline which is mostly heard in the USA and the United Kingdom. The origin of my name is English, French, Italian, and Mexican but i THINK it might also be German. The English meaning of my name is “Joy”,” song of happiness”. The French meaning is also “Song of Happiness”, in Mexican it means “Beautiful Woman” and in Italian it means “strong”. I didn’t know that! I am Italian-Cypriot though I wasn’t named with a name that comes from that country on purpose, my parents liked the name and decided to call me like that.
            It was my parents who chose my name, they chose “Carolina” when they heard the name of the girlfriend of a friend of my fathers and liked it so they called me like that.
            I LOVE my name! (I like also others’ names, don’t worry!) I think my parents chose a name that fit with me well, when I imagine the name “Carolina” I think of a girl with freckles and red hair like me, I don’t know why! I also love the shortenings of my name such as “Carol” and “Carrey”, I particularly like “Carrey”, some people call me like that such as some of my friends, my past housemaid, my father (sometimes), my sister, yeah! But I also like it when my brother calls me Caroline, it sounds so cute when he says it! J If I have children in the future I would love to call a daughter Emma (coming from one of my favourite celebrities, Emma Watson), if it is a son I think that I like the names Charles (coming from the Little House on the Prairie, the Pa), there are many names I like some others are Anne, Stephany, Nikki, Isabel, Freda, Millie, and many more! J